
Military Salary Philippines

Philippine military personnel earns a variety of salaries, depending on their rank and experience. The average salary for enlisted personnel is around $290 per month, while officers earn an average of $430 per month.

Enlisted Personnel

The average salary for enlisted personnel in the Philippines is around $290 per month. This figure includes both base pay and allowances. Base pay for enlisted personnel starts at $170 per month and can go up to $230 per month, depending on rank and experience. Allowances vary depending on factors such as family status and whether or not the service member is stationed in a combat zone.


The average salary for officers in the Philippines is around $430 per month. This figure includes both base pay and allowances. Base pay for officers starts at $300 per month and can go up to $370 per month, depending on rank and experience. Allowances vary depending on factors such as family status and whether or not the service member is stationed in a combat zone.


The salaries of Philippine military personnel vary depending on rank and experience. Enlisted personnel earn an average of $290 per month, while officers earn an average of $430 per month. Base pay for enlisted personnel starts at $170 per month, while base pay for officers starts at $300 per month. Allowances are also given to servicemembers based on family status and whether or not they are stationed in a combat zone.