
Kinesiology Salary: How Much Can You Make as a Kinesiologist?

Kinesiology is the study of human movement and physical activity, and it has become an increasingly popular field of study in recent years. It encompasses a wide range of disciplines, including exercise science, biomechanics, and sports medicine. For those interested in pursuing a career in kinesiology, understanding the potential salary range is an important consideration.

In this article, we’ll take a closer look at kinesiology salary, including the factors that can impact your earning potential. We’ll also answer some frequently asked questions about kinesiology salaries and provide tips for maximizing your earning potential in this field.

What is Kinesiology?

Kinesiology is the study of human movement and physical activity. It is an interdisciplinary field that draws from a range of scientific disciplines, including anatomy, physiology, psychology, and biomechanics. Kinesiologists use their knowledge of human movement to improve health, fitness, and athletic performance.

Average Kinesiology Salary

The average kinesiology salary can vary depending on a number of factors, including level of education, area of specialization, and years of experience. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median annual salary for exercise physiologists, a related field to kinesiology, is $49,170.

However, the salary range for kinesiologists can be much broader than this, with some entry-level positions paying around $30,000 per year and experienced professionals earning upwards of $100,000 per year.

Factors That Impact Kinesiology Salary

Several factors can impact kinesiology salary, including:

  1. Education: Kinesiologists with higher levels of education, such as a master’s or doctoral degree, may have higher earning potential than those with only a bachelor’s degree.
  2. Area of Specialization: Kinesiologists who specialize in areas such as sports medicine or exercise physiology may have higher earning potential than those who work in other areas of kinesiology.
  3. Experience: Kinesiologists with more years of experience may be able to command higher salaries than those who are just starting out in their careers.
  4. Geographic Location: Kinesiology salaries can vary significantly depending on geographic location, with higher salaries generally found in larger cities or regions with high demand for kinesiology professionals.

Tips for Maximizing Your Kinesiology Salary

If you’re looking to maximize your kinesiology salary, there are a few things you can do to increase your earning potential, including:

  1. Pursue Higher Education: Pursuing a master’s or doctoral degree in kinesiology or a related field can increase your earning potential.
  2. Specialize in a High-Demand Area: Choosing to specialize in a high-demand area, such as sports medicine or exercise physiology, can help you command a higher salary.
  3. Gain Experience: Building your experience in the field can help you earn higher salaries over time.
  4. Network: Building a strong professional network can help you find new job opportunities and negotiate higher salaries.

 Frequently Asked Questions About Kinesiology Salary

Q: What is the average salary for a kinesiologist?

A: The average salary for a kinesiologist can vary depending on several factors, but the median annual salary for exercise physiologists, a related field to kinesiology, is $49,170.

Q: What is the highest-paying area of kinesiology?

A: The highest-paying areas of kinesiology are those that are in high demand, such as sports medicine and exercise physiology. These areas require specialized knowledge and skills, which can help kinesiologists command higher salaries.

Q: Can kinesiologists work in the healthcare industry?

A: Yes, kinesiologists can work in the healthcare industry, providing support to patients who are recovering from injuries or dealing with chronic health conditions. Kinesiologists in the healthcare industry may work in hospitals, clinics, or rehabilitation centers.

Q: How can I negotiate a higher kinesiology salary?

A: To negotiate a higher kinesiology salary, it’s important to research the average salaries for your position in your geographic location. You should also highlight your experience and any specialized skills or knowledge you have that make you a valuable candidate. Be prepared to make a case for why you deserve a higher salary, and be open to negotiating with potential employers.


Kinesiology is a dynamic and growing field that offers a range of career opportunities for those interested in human movement and physical activity. While kinesiology salaries can vary depending on several factors, including education, area of specialization, and years of experience, there are many ways to maximize your earning potential in this field. By pursuing higher education, specializing in high-demand areas, gaining experience, and networking, you can set yourself up for a successful and rewarding career in kinesiology.