
How Much Do Doctors Earn in the Philippines?

Doctors are some of the most important people in our society. They save lives, help us when we’re sick, and provide us with valuable medical advice. So, it’s no surprise that they earn a decent salary. But how much do doctors actually earn in the Philippines? Let’s take a look.

The average starting salary for a doctor in the Philippines is approximately $700 per month. However, experienced doctors can earn up to $4,000 per month. The exact amount a doctor earns depends on their experience, location, and specialty. For example, surgeons typically earn more than family physicians.

Of course, doctors don’t just work regular office hours. They often have to work long shifts, overnight shifts, and weekends. They also have to be on call 24/7 in case of an emergency. All of this extra work can add up to quite a bit of overtime pay. In fact, it’s not uncommon for experienced doctors to earn an extra $1,000 or more per month in overtime pay.

Doctors play a vital role in our society and as such, they are handsomely compensated for their services. The average starting salary for a doctor in the Philippines is $700 per month but experienced doctors can earn up to $4,000 per month. The exact amount a doctor earns depends on their experience level, location, and specialty. Regardless of these factors, one thing is for sure: being a doctor is a demanding but rewarding career choice.